Wall Rail Brackets

Newel Fasteners
Newel Finials

Rail Fasteners

Baluster Fasteners
Wood Plugs

Stair Brackets

Tools for Stair Part Installation

Garage Railing
In this category, you will find the hardware and finishing touches needed for installation.
- Handrail brackets are used to attach the handrail to the wall or connect to a newel post. They come in different styles and finishes to match the overall aesthetic of your staircase.
- Baluster fasteners are used to secure wood balusters to the treads or floor during installation
- Newel Fasters are used to attach the newel posts to the floor or tread
- Newel Finials enhance the look of a flat top newel post and are used during installation
- Rail fasteners are used to attach two pieces of handrail together, handrail to newel posts and handrail to walls
- Stair Brackets are used on the outside of the steps to create a decorative look.
- The Epoxy Gun and two part epoxy are used in the holes drilled for the iron baluster installation.
- Wood plugs are used plug up the holes drilled when installing screws.
The Hardware to Choose
Classic two-story homes are never seen without a simple or grand staircase to allow transportation from one floor to another. Indeed, this structure has been a source of pride among homeowners since these stairs have become a focal point for art and architecture. The hardware of every staircase is considered carefully to suit the kind of architectural design you would want to appear in your staircase later.
The stair hardware will depend on the size of the house, the allowable cost and of course the preference of the owner. Although most homeowners would prefer to remain traditional and stick to wooden stairways, more and more architects are learning to convince their clients to use stainless steel for the stairways.
If the framing carpenters remembered to provide blocking in the right places, you’re in good shape. But whatever your situation is such as an unsupported wood sub floor, solid wood stair treads or concrete slab, we’ve got your hardware.
What’s more, you can coordinate the design of your stair parts because the details will all be covered. Our hardware accessories come in plenty of designs, all which come in the best quality and in the best variety. We will also be glad to assist you in picking the right accessories.
Stainless steel is more durable than wooden materials. It is resistant to rust, corrosion and stain so that the stairways may retain its original appearance and still look new even after a number of years. Moreover, it is definitely resistant to termite so you will not have problems regarding termites infesting your homes. In addition, this type of material is much cheaper so it is definitely cost-effective.
While stainless steel may be more durable and more cost-effective, wooden stair parts still offer an old-fashioned and elegant appeal that will surely amaze guests and visitors. Take your visitors to a trip to the olden times with your timeless staircase and earn their heartfelt praises and admirations.
Whatever hardware is used in building the staircase, the most important notion to consider is still the safety of the occupants and those who will walk up and down the stairs. So choose your stair materials carefully.
We have a few sections to help you find what you're looking for. We have Wall Rail Brackets, Rosettes, Stair Brackets, Wood Plugs, Newel Fasteners and Baluster Fasteners, and our Stair Remodel Tools.
At Stair Warehouse, you’ve got everything that you need.